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Turning Data Into Insights For Development

Research - Polling - Analytics -Training

Let Your Data Take Your Business to Higher Grounds

Research and Data Analytics 

 Employ cutting edge methodologies and statistical techniques to provide our clients with actionable insights. 

Monitoring & Evaluation

 Design and implement basline and post-test surveys to measure the impact of project interventions. 

Data Collection

 Insights employs three modes for data collection, Conduct computer assited telephone interviewing (CATI), online  interviewing (OI), and Tablet Assisted  Personal Interviewing (CAPI). 

Insights has access to a large pool of well trained data collectors in Palestine and across the Arab Region.

Mystery Shopping Services 

Design and implement mystery shopping services across different public and private sector services and geographical locations.  Mystery shopping is one of the important tools for evaluating quality of services provision.

Insights' researchers supported the following organizations: 

Data Collection Capabilities

Our team at insights is experienced in desigining and implementing data collection projects. We operate in Palestine and across the Arab countries.  Insihgts have trusted partners in all of these countries. We pride ourselves on providing quality data in every project we take on. 

Insights for Training and Research has representative data collection coordinators in the 16 districts of the West Bank and Gaza.  The district coordinators report to the data collection manager at Insights For Training and Research.  The coordinators help in recruiting and training data collectors. Moreover, they work on quality control of the data collection process.  Though through the past 7 years, data collection quality control improved drastically due to the introduction of tablets for data collection. This allowed the data collection coordinator with the help of the GIS and IT specialists to impose the necessary controls on the data collection process.

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Ramallah, Palestine

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