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Data Audit

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

By Faisal Awartani (Ph.D.)

Insights research team recommends that each company which thrives to grow in the digital age to conduct what so called "Data Audit". This concept is multidimensional, but Insights team focus on the three main pillars. Firstly, how data is being stored? Can the data be extracted easily from the company’s database?. Secondly, is it data "analysis friendly"? What kind of indicators are being collected and how frequent? Will the collected indicators support the management with decision making? Thirdly, how much of the collected data is being utilized for decision making? Through identifying "data gaps" and bridging them, this will, most probably, lead companies which go through data audit to reduce their operational expenses and increase their revenues. Insights research team led by Dr. Faisal Awartani conducted data audits for both private and public organizations in Palestine and the Arab region.

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